Suspend functions
- can be started , paused and resumed
- it can be called from another suspend functions or a coroutine
code - suspend function
// coroutine to add two numbers
private suspend fun doNumberAddition(varOne: Int, varTwo: Int): Int {
The above suspend function is to add two numbers with the delay of 3 seconds
lifecycleScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) {
Log.d("Coroutines", "lifecycleScope : ${Thread.currentThread().name}")
val result = doNumberAddition(10, 67)
Log.d("Coroutines", "lifecycleScope : result - $result")
The above code does the following
- The suspend function
launched inside a coroutine - ifecycleScope is used to launch this coroutine
- he dispatcher used for this code is
17:11:21.271 D/Coroutines: Main : main
17:11:21.302 D/Coroutines: lifecycleScope : DefaultDispatcher-worker-1
17:11:24.307 D/Coroutines: lifecycleScope : result - 7
If we decomplie the above code
private final Object doNumberAddition(int varOne, int varTwo, Continuation var3) {...}
There is a parameter called Continuation which we can see in bytecode
- is ued to hold the context of the coroutine , so that when the suspend function resume , the Continuation will have the result and context
According to official documentation ,
* Interface representing a continuation after a suspension point that returns a value of type `T`.
public interface Continuation<in T> {
* The context of the coroutine that corresponds to this continuation.
public val context: CoroutineContext
* Resumes the execution of the corresponding coroutine passing a successful or failed [result] as the
* return value of the last suspension point.
public fun resumeWith(result: Result<T>)
So , in the above code
- as we know this is about the context of coroutine , let's consider the didpatcher information is here , so that suspend function will run in the same threading policy when it is resumed .
- this is the result of suspend function itself
Quick review :
Suspend function can be started . paused and resumed
Uses the Continuation to pass the context and result within the suspend functions
Suspend function can be launched from another suspend function or a coroutine
Please leave your comments to improve.
Happy Coding