Flow Cancellation

Flow Cancellation

In this series of articles , we are discussing about Kotlin flows and in this article we will discuss about Flow Cancellation.

There are 2 ways to cancel the flow

1.Cancel the coroutine job

    // cancel the job
    val job = launch {
            .onCompletion { cause ->
                if (cause is CancellationException) {
                    println("Flow cancelled Manually by job ")
            .collect {
                println("Type 1 Received $it")

     * Output :
     * Type 1 Received 1
     * Type 1 Received 3
     * Flow cancelled Manually by job

2.Cancel in scope

// cancel the code in scope
launch {
        .onCompletion { cause ->
            if (cause is CancellationException) {
                println("Flow cancelled Manually in scope")
        }.collect {
            println("Type 2 Received $it")
            if (it == 3) {
     * Output :
     * Type 2 Received 1
     * Type 2 Received 3
     * Flow cancelled Manually in scope

Code gist for 2 types of cancelling can be found in https://gist.github.com/vprabhu/ebce4cf922f50325f3f82b400681c0ac

Cooperative Cancellation

  • All suspend function in coroutines are cancellable

  • They check for coroutine cancellation internally and throw CancellationException when cancelled

  • But if a coroutine is not checking for cancellation when working on its job , then it is non-cancellable .

Behaviour of flowOf() when cancelling

flowOf() doesn't check internally if the coroutine is active

  •         launch {
                    .onCompletion { cause ->
                        if (cause is CancellationException) {
                            println("Flow cancelled $cause")
                    .collect {
                        println("Received $it")
                        if (it == 3) {
             * output :
             * Received 1
             * Received 3
             * Received 5

    In the above code , even when you are cancelling the flow if the value is 3 inside the collect{} block , its not stopping the flow.

    There are 2 ways to check that

1.ensureActive() in onEach() block

 launch {
            .onCompletion { cause ->
                if (cause is CancellationException) {
                    println("Flow cancelled $cause")
            }.onEach {
            .collect {
                println("Received $it")
                if (it == 3) {

     * output : 
     * Received 1
     * Received 3
     * Flow cancelled kotlinx.coroutines.JobCancellationException:
     *   StandaloneCoroutine was cancelled; job=StandaloneCoroutine{Cancelling}@635a732e


 launch {
            .onCompletion { cause ->
                if (cause is CancellationException) {
                    println("Flow cancelled $cause")
            .collect {
                println("Received $it")
                if (it == 3) {

     * output :
     * Received 1
     * Received 3
     * Flow cancelled kotlinx.coroutines.JobCancellationException:
     *   StandaloneCoroutine was cancelled; job=StandaloneCoroutine{Cancelling}@635a732e

Code gist for 2 types of cancelling in the flowOf() can be found in https://gist.github.com/vprabhu/1a9defc5e8decffc619b5ed746b43d17

When the flow is working on something intensive , we can use ensureActive() inside the function to cancel it. Let me know if you need a sample code .

In the next article , we will discuss about Cold Flow and Hot Flow.

Please leave your comments to improve and discuss more

Happy and Enjoy coding